Lirik lagu: Don't Lose My Number oleh Phil Collins :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Halaman lirik lagu ini menampilkan lagu "Don't Lose My Number" oleh Phil Collins. Lagu ini dirilis pada tahun 1985 dan menjadi hit di seluruh dunia. Lirik lagu ini ditulis oleh Phil Collins sendiri dan bercerita tentang seorang pria bernama Billy yang melarikan diri dari pihak berwajib dan berusaha untuk tidak kehilangan kontak dengan orang yang dicintainya.

Lagu "Don't Lose My Number" memiliki lirik yang sederhana namun bermakna kuat. Lagu ini menjadi favorit banyak orang karena melodinya yang catchy dan liriknya yang mudah diingat. Lagu ini juga sering digunakan dalam film dan acara televisi.

Kami harap Anda menikmati halaman lirik lagu ini dan dapat menyanyikan lagu "Don't Lose My Number" bersama kami.

Don't Lose My Number Lyrics

Phil Collins

They came at night

leaving fear behind shadows along the ground.
nobody knew where to find him
no evidence was found.
I'm never coming back
they heard him cry and I believe him.
he never meant to do anything wrong

It's gonna get worse if he waits too long.

don't you lose my number

'Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you.
Oh no
don't you lose my number

'Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you.

Searching through the day and into the night

They wouldn't stop till they found him.
They didn't know him and they didn't understand

They never asked him why.
Get out of my way
they heard him shout
then a blinding light

And all they could see was him
running down the street
Out of the shadows and into the night.
don't you lose my number
. . .

don't give up
keep running
keep hiding.
Don't give up
if you know you're right.
Don't give up
you know that I am on your side.
Don't give up
oh Billy
you better
you better

You better run for your life.

don't you lose my number
. . .
they came at night

leaving fear behind shadows along the ground. . . .
Oh Billy
don't you lose my number
. ..

VIDEO lagu : Don't Lose My Number oleh Phil Collins :

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