Lirik lagu: Fire & Soul oleh The Cranberries :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"Fire & Soul", sebuah lagu yang menyayat hati oleh The Cranberries, mengeksplorasi tema kehilangan diri, menyerah pada dorongan hati yang kuat, dan berpegang teguh pada cinta yang abadi. Dengan nada yang melankolis dan lirik yang pedih, lagu ini menangkap rasa sakit dan putus asa dari sebuah hubungan yang terombang-ambing di ambang kehancuran. Sang penyanyi berjanji untuk menunggu selamanya, bahkan sampai ajal menjemput, menunjukkan kedalaman cinta dan pengabdian mereka yang tak berkesudahan.

Fire & Soul Lyrics

The Cranberries

How to be unfaithful, how to be disgraceful
To lose yourself, to lose control, fall off the fence, fire and soul
To lose yourself, to lose control, fall off the fence where is your fire and soul?
I'll wait for you forever, I'll wait for you forever
I'll take you to my grave

Now in the beginning, how the room was spinning
Hold on to me, hold on to you, hold on to us is what we'll do
Hold on to me, hold on to you, hold on to us is what we'll do

I'll wait for you forever, I'll wait for you forever
I'll take you to my grave (grave)

Hu huhu, hu huhu, hu huhu
Hu huhu, hu huhu, hu huhu

I'll wait for you forever (hu huhu, hu huhu), I'll wait for you forever (hu huhu)
I'll wait for you forever (hu huhu, hu huhu), I'll wait for you forever (hu huhu)

To lose yourself, to lose control, fall off the fence, fire and soul
To lose yourself, to lose control, fall off the fence where is your fire and soul?

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