Lirik lagu: Blackened oleh Metallica :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"Blackened," sebuah karya epik dari Metallica, mengeksplorasi kerusakan lingkungan yang mengerikan dan konsekuensi mengerikannya pada umat manusia. Dengan liriknya yang kuat yang melukiskan gambaran yang mengerikan tentang kehancuran bumi, lagu ini menjadi jeritan putus asa terhadap dampak umat manusia yang menghancurkan terhadap lingkungan. Dari "akhir yang menghitam" hingga "kematian ibu pertiwi," "Blackened" adalah seruan mendesak untuk tindakan, peringatan suram tentang konsekuensi dari mengabaikan kesehatan planet kita.

Blackened Lyrics


Blackened is the end
Winter it will send
Throwing all you see
Into obscurity

Death of mother earth
Never a rebirth
Evolution's end
Never will it mend


To begin whipping dance of the death
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened

Blistering of earthTerminate its worth
Deadly nicotine
Kills what might have been

Callous frigid shill
Nothing lest to kill
Never seen before
Breathing nevermore


To begin whipping dance of the death
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Color our world blackened


Agitation........Violation........Mutilation......Planet dies
Darkest color
Blistered earth
True death of life
Termination...Expiration...Cancellation...Human race
Expectation....Liberation...Population......Lay to waste
See our mother
Put to death
See our mother die

Smouldering decay
Take her breath away
Millions of our years
In minutes disappears

Darkening in vain
Decadence remains
All is said and doneNever is the sun

To begin whipping dance of the death
Blackened is the end
To begin whipping dance of the dead
Is the outcome of hypocrisy
Darkest potency
In the exit of humanity
Color our world blackened


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