Lirik lagu: I've Got this Friend (Feat. Larry Stewart) oleh Faith Hill :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Lagu "I've Got this Friend" yang dibawakan oleh Faith Hill menyanyikan kisah dua orang yang sedang merasa kesepian dan mencari pasangan. Sang penyanyi mengetahui dengan jelas karakteristik kedua temannya ini, salah satunya pemalu dan yang satunya lagi memiliki sifat yang mirip dengan sang penyanyi. Sang penyanyi pun meyakini bahwa jika mereka dipertemukan, mereka akan menemukan orang yang mereka cari selama ini.

I've Got this Friend (Feat. Larry Stewart) Lyrics

Faith Hill

I've got this friend who is lonely
She's afraid she'll never find her one and only
A little shy but she can be fun
If the right guy came along
Would you know someone

I've got this friend and it sounds crazy
But he's been feeling that way too a whole lot lately
And interested, oh I'm sure he'd be
I can almost speak for him
He's that close to me

Maybe in each other
They might find the lover
They've been missin' until now
They'd trust the judgment of
Two friends like us who care so much
Can we get them together:somehow

I've got this friend
Yeah, I think I know her
My arms can almost feel the way he'd hold her
It's like he's here when you describe him
And if he's anything like you I'm sure she'd like him

Maybe in each other
They might find the lover
They've been missin' until now
They'd trust the judgment of
Two friends like us who care so much
Can we get them together:somehow

Can we get together:I've got this friend

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