Lirik lagu: Let the Flames Begin oleh Paramore :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Lagu "Let the Flames Begin" oleh Paramore menyoroti tema ketahanan dan harapan di tengah masa-masa sulit. Dengan liriknya yang kuat dan memicu, lagu ini mengeksplorasi kekuatan yang ditemukan dalam kerapuhan dan pentingnya menemukan cahaya di tengah kegelapan. Lagu ini menjadi lagu kebangsaan bagi mereka yang menghadapi kesulitan, menawarkan pengingat bahwa bahkan dalam kondisi paling menantang sekalipun, masih ada harapan dan kekuatan yang dapat ditemukan.

Let the Flames Begin Lyrics


What a shame we all became such fragile, broken things.
A memory remains just a tiny spark.
I give it all my oxygen,
To let the flames begin
To let the flames begin.

Oh, glory.
Oh, glory.
This is how we'll dance when,
When they try to take us down.
This is what will be oh glory.

Somewhere weakness is our strength,
And I'll die searching for it.
I can't let myself regret such selfishness.
My pain and all the trouble caused,
No matter how long
I believe that there's hope
Buried beneath it all and
Hiding beneath it all, and
Growing beneath it all, and...

This is how we'll dance when,
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll sing it.
This is how we'll stand when
When they burn our houses down.
This is what will be oh glory.

Reaching as I sink down into light.
Reaching as I sink down into light.

This is how we dance when,
When they try to take us down
This is how we'll sing it.
This is how we'll stand when,
When they burn our houses down.
This is what will be oh glory.

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