Lirik lagu: Six Feet Under oleh No Doubt :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Lirik lagu "Six Feet Under" oleh No Doubt menyoroti tema kehidupan, kematian, dan siklus keberadaan. Lagu ini mengeksplorasi paradoks antara kelahiran yang penuh harapan dan kefanaan kematian yang tak terhindarkan. Sang penyanyi merenungkan keberadaannya sebelum lahir dan takdirnya yang akan mati dan dikuburkan. Liriknya yang bermakna dan melodi yang menghantui menciptakan sebuah refleksi yang kuat tentang perjalanan hidup yang terus bergulir.

Six Feet Under Lyrics

No Doubt

In the morning I wake up
And in the night I sleep
Since the day that I was born
Repeat, repeat, repeat
Brought to this life
Born to this life
Where was I before?
Non-existent? Not at all?
Will I ever know?

Today is my birthday
And I get one every year
And some day...
Hard to believe
But I'll be buried six feet underground

Subconsciously motivated natural instinct
Alter nature for the pleasure
Flirt with conception
Slow the cycle
Will the baby grow?
Social tradition interference
Control, control, control

Today is my birthday
And I get one every year
And some day...
Hard to believe
But I'll be buried six feet underground
I'll be dead and gone, no longer around

Spinning, spinning
Before I can recall
All the unknown chemicals
Control the cycle
The successive generations
From dust to dust
Burying my grandma
Then give birth to my own daughter

Today is my birthday
And I get one every year
And some day...
Hard to believe
But I'll be buried six feet underground

Today is my birthday
And I get one every year
And some day...
Hard to believe
But I'll be buried six feet underground
I'll be dead and gone, no longer around
I'll be buried six feet underground

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