Lirik lagu: Mull Of Kintyre oleh Paul McCartney :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"Mull of Kintyre", sebuah lagu yang ditulis dan dibawakan oleh Paul McCartney, melukiskan keindahan dan nostalgia dari semenanjung Mull of Kintyre di Skotlandia. Lirik lagu tersebut mengungkapkan kerinduan yang mendalam akan alam, kenangan, dan hubungan yang dijalin di tempat yang sangat berarti ini. Melalui deskripsi yang hidup tentang pegunungan yang jauh, lembah yang hijau, dan senja yang menyala, lagu ini membangkitkan rasa cinta yang kuat dan kerinduan untuk kembali ke tempat yang disebut rumah.

Mull Of Kintyre Lyrics

Paul McCartney

Ref.: Mull of Kintyre... Oh mist, rolling in from the sea... My desire is always to be here! Oh, mull of Kintyre...

Far have I travelled and much have I seen: Dark distant mountains and valleys of green, past painted deserts... The sunset's on fire as he carries me home to the mull of Kintyre.

Ref.: Mull of Kintyre... Oh mist, rolling in from the sea... My desire is always to be here! Oh, mull of Kintyre...

Smiles in the sunshine and tears in the rain still take me back where my mem'ries remain. Flickering embers grow higher and higher as they carry me back to the mull of Kintyre.

Ref.: Mull of Kintyre... Oh mist, rolling in from the sea... My desire is always to be here! Oh, mull of Kintyre...

Sweep through the heather like deer in the glenn, oh, carry me back to the days, I knew then. Nights when we sang like a heavenly choir of the life and the times of the mull of Kintyre.

Ref.: Mull of Kintyre... Oh mist, rolling in from the sea... My desire is always to be here! Oh, mull of Kintyre...

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