Lirik lagu: All Sold Out oleh The Rolling Stones :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"All Sold Out", sebuah lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh The Rolling Stones, mengeksplorasi tema pengkhianatan dan rasa sakit yang mendalam. Lagu ini dibuka dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan menusuk tentang mengapa kesedihan dan harapan ditanamkan, menyiratkan pengkhianatan yang tak terlupakan. Penyanyi menyindir kesenangan yang mungkin dirasakan pelaku, menyoroti rasa sakit dan kehancuran yang telah mereka sebabkan. Dengan lirik yang menggugah dan melodi yang memilukan, "All Sold Out" memikat pendengar ke dalam perjalanan emosi yang intens, menangkap esensi pengkhianatan yang menghancurkan.

All Sold Out Lyrics

The Rolling Stones

Why put this sadness inside of me
Why be so matter-of-fact
Why put this one bit of hope in me
You sold me out and that's that
I hope that you're having fun with me
There's not much left to attack
I hope that you're nearly done with me
You sold me out and that's that
All sold out i'd never seen
A mind so tangled, a girl so strangled
All sold out well i felt so green
It was just like that
I was put down flat
I was sold out just like that
Oh baby
All sold out i'd never seen
A mind so tangled, a girl so strangled
All sold out well i felt so green
It was just like that
I was put down flat
I was sold out just like that
I missed the point of you doing it
Your mind has just jumped the track
I took a bit different view of it
You sold me out and that's that
Hey hey, that's that

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