Lirik lagu: Go Off oleh Dawin :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Dengan bangga kami mempersembahkan lirik lagu "Go Off" yang dibawakan oleh Dawin. Lagu ini adalah sebuah karya musikal yang menggugah semangat, mengajak kita untuk merangkul keunikan dan potensi kita sendiri.

Setiap bait dan rangkaian kata dalam "Go Off" terhubung dengan tema pemberdayaan diri, mendorong kita untuk percaya pada kemampuan kita sendiri dan mengejar impian kita tanpa ragu. Lirik yang kuat ini dibalut dengan melodi yang menarik dan ritme yang dinamis, menciptakan pesan yang menggugah jiwa.

Kami berharap lirik "Go Off" ini dapat menginspirasi Anda untuk menemukan suara Anda sendiri, merayakan perbedaan Anda, dan mengejar kehidupan yang Anda inginkan. Nikmati keindahan kata-kata ini dan biarkan kekuatannya membimbing Anda menuju kesuksesan.

Go Off Lyrics


You got the vibe i'm feelin'
And that's what i've been needin'
Cause that's what I believe in
And I met you for a reason

No, don't listen to anybody
Who says that you gotta change
You already got that magic
And that's what blows me away
Don't listen to anybody
Who says that you gotta change
You already got that magic
Hold up! I wanna see you go off

Give me two steps to left
Give me two steps to right
Spin around one time
Reach for the sky and...
Go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go off girl

I saw your hypnotic eyes
Now, i'm so hypnotized
I'm always checking you out
But I just love what's inside, hey!
I would treasure you in no time
Baby, cause your heart is a goldmine
Wanna give you good times and the whole nine
We could start right now, baby

Give me two steps to left
Give me two steps to right
Spin around one time
Reach for the sky and...
Go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it

You got the vibe i'm feelin'
And that's what i've been needin'
Cause that's what I believe in
And I met you for a reason

No, don't listen to anybody
Who says that you gotta change
You already got that magic
And that's what blows me away
Don't listen to anybody
Who says that you gotta change
You already got that magic
Hold up! I wanna see you go off

Give me two steps to left
Give me two steps to right
Spin around one time
Reach for the sky and...
Go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go off girl

I know you might push away
Or maybe push it on me
But girl, whatever it takes
Closer is what we should be, hey!
I would treasure you in no time
Baby, cause your heart is a goldmine
Wanna give you good times and the whole nine
We could start right now, baby

Give me two steps to left
Give me two steps to right
Spin around one time
Reach for the sky and...
Go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off, go oh off with it
Go off
Go off

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