Lirik lagu: Want You Back (HAIM Cover) oleh Echosmith :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Selamat datang di halaman lirik lagu "Want You Back (HAIM Cover)" yang dibawakan oleh Echosmith. Lagu yang indah ini mengisahkan tentang permohonan maaf yang tulus dan penuh penyesalan atas kesalahan yang pernah dilakukan dalam suatu hubungan.

Setiap baris dalam lirik lagu ini mengungkapkan emosi yang mendalam dari sang penyanyi, yang merindukan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki keadaan dan mendapatkan kembali cinta yang telah hilang. Lirik ini mengajak kita untuk merenungkan pentingnya pengampunan, penerimaan, dan perjuangan tanpa henti untuk memperjuangkan apa yang benar-benar kita inginkan.

Kami harap Anda menikmati lirik lagu ini dan membiarkannya menyentuh hati Anda dengan kekuatan pesan yang dibawanya.

Want You Back (HAIM Cover) Lyrics


Some things are long forgotten
Some things were never said
We were on one endless road
But I had a wandering heart

I said we were opposite lovers
(Said it from the beginning)
You kept trying to prove me wrong
(Said you'd always see it through)
And I know that I ran you down
So you ran away with your heart

But just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

I know it's hard to hear it
And it may never be enough
But don't take it out on me now
'Cause I blame it all on myself

And I had a fear of forgiveness
(Said it from the beginning)
I was too proud to say I was wrong
(Said you'd always see me through)
All that time is gone, no more fearing control
I'm ready for the both of us now

But just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

Just know that I want you back
(Just know that I want you)
Just know that I want you back
(Just know that I want you)
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you
(Just know that I want you back, baby)

Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you back
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

Just know that I want you back
(Just know that I want you)
Just know that I want you back
(Just know that I want you)
Just know that I want you
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you
(Just know that I want you back, baby)
(Just know that I want you)
(Just know that I want you back, baby)
I'll take the fall and the fault in us
I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you

VIDEO lagu : Want You Back (HAIM Cover) oleh Echosmith :

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