Roger Curhat Ibu Izinkan Mualaf dan Sebut Nama Allah, Komentar Cut Meyriska Jadi Bukti Cinta?

Cut Meyriska yang sempat menyindir sang ayah kini terang-terangan menunjukkan dukungan buat Roger.

WowKeren - Meski motivasinya masuk Islam diragukan oleh ayahanda Cut Meyriska, Roger Danuarta, membuktikan kalau ia seorang muslim yang taat. Lewat Instagram, Roger mengunggah foto mendiang ibunda tercinta, Engnawati Atmadja, yang wafat 23 November lalu.

12 hari setelah kepergian ibunda, Roger membocorkan hal spesial. Sang ibu ternyata telah merestuinya menjadi mualaf.

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun. Terimakasih untuk semua perhatian dan Doa untuk Ibuku tercinta. Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima disisiNYA...Aamiin. Dear Mom, Thank you for supporting my belief," tulis Roger di akun Instagramnya. "Although you're gone, I'm not alone, and never shall I be.Sweet smile on your face as you sleep the pain away, Resting in God's arms now, although in the ground your body lay.I never would have imagined the end would be like this, me comforting you.Holding your hand, telling you not to worry was not an easy thing for me to do.And even in your weakest hour you tried to comfort me too, Caressing my face, and calming my soul as only a mother can soothe.When I told you of the mistakes I made and all the times people saw me fall. You simply nodded and gently replied 'so have we all'."

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innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun Terimakasih untuk semua perhatian dan Doa untuk Ibuku tercinta 🙏🏻 Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima disisiNYA...Aamiin 🙏🏻 ♥️ ♥️Dear Mom, Thank you for supporting my belief. Although you're gone, I'm not alone, and never shall I be. Sweet smile on your face as you sleep the pain away, Resting in God's arms now, although in the ground your body lay. I never would have imagined the end would be like this, me comforting you. Holding your hand, telling you not to worry was not an easy thing for me to do. And even in your weakest hour you tried to comfort me too, Caressing my face, and calming my soul as only a mother can soothe. When I told you of the mistakes I made and all the times people saw me fall. You simply nodded and gently replied 'so have we all'. The key to success is learning from the past. Ensuring a brighter future is now the present task. Pushing me to be the best that you know I can be. Reminding me to keep the faith and allow Allah to lead me.

A post shared by Roger Danuarta (@rogerojey) on

"The key of succes is learning from the past. Ensuring a brighter future is now the present task. Pushing me to be the best that you know i can be. Reminding me to keep the faith and allow Allah to lead me," kata Roger.

Tak disangka, Cut Meyriska alias Chika menuliskan pesan. Ini semakin menguatkan dugaan kalau Chika memang sosok spesial dalam kehidupan Roger yang baru.

Chika tampak menyemangati Roger. "Stay strong, she will be proud and happy to see the man you have become (Tetap kuat, dia akan bangga dan senang melihat pria sepertimu)," tulis Chika.

Cut Meyriska


Sebelumnya, Chika melontarkan sindiran di InstaStory. Ia seolah mengingatkan sang ayah, Suryadi AK, agar tak keras hati dan berkaca diri.

"Saat kau mengharapkan seseorang yang baik akhlaknya, sudah kamu bercermin pada akhlakmu sendiri? Celaka orang yang berhati keras, sungguh celaka orang-orang yang berhati keras dari mengingat Allah, mereka itu berada dalam kesesatan yang nyata," kata Chika.


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