Lirik lagu: 99 Revolutions oleh Green Day :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

Lagu "99 Revolutions" yang dibawakan oleh Green Day menggaungkan seruan untuk perubahan. Liriknya mengungkapkan kemarahan dan frustrasi terhadap ketidakadilan yang merajalela, ketidaksetaraan, dan penurunan standar hidup. Band ini mengutuk kesenjangan sosial yang lebar, korupsi perusahaan, dan kemerosotan layanan publik. "99 Revolutions" menjadi perwujudan kemarahan kolektif, menyerukan persatuan dan tindakan untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih adil dan bermakna.

99 Revolutions Lyrics

Green Day

There's a trouble in the air
A rumble in the streets
A going out of business sale
And a race to bankruptcy

It's not one to 99, it's 99 to one
A common cause and a call to arms
For the health of our daughters and our sons

It's 99 revolutions tonight [x5]

There's a rat in the company
A bill on easy street
How the fuck did the working staff
Become so obsolete?

Hit the lights and bang your drum
And let your flag unfold
Cause history will prove itself
In the hall of justice and lost souls

It's 99 revolutions tonight [x5]

We live in troubled times
From the ghettos to an empty suburban home
We live in troubled times
And I'm 99 percent sure that something's wrong

It's 99 revolutions tonight [x5]

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