Lirik lagu: I Can Only Be Me oleh Stevie Wonder :: Cari Lirik Lagu di ?

"I Can Only Be Me" adalah lagu jiwa yang kuat dari penyanyi legendaris Stevie Wonder. Lagu ini menyoroti tema penting penerimaan diri dan menemukan kekuatan dalam keunikan individu. Wonder mengakui perjuangan universal untuk memenuhi harapan eksternal, tetapi mendorong pendengar untuk merangkul identitas mereka yang sebenarnya. Lirik tersebut menggambar perbandingan dengan siklus hidup alami, menekankan bahwa setiap orang berkembang dan tumbuh pada kecepatannya sendiri. Melalui pesan yang kuat dan melodi yang indah, "I Can Only Be Me" menginspirasi pendengar untuk menerima dan menghargai diri mereka sendiri serta orang lain, tidak peduli perbedaannya.

I Can Only Be Me Lyrics

Stevie Wonder

Butterflies begin from having been another
As a child is born from being in a mother's womb
But how many times have you wished you were some other
someone than who you are
Yet who's to say if all were uncovered
You will like what you see
You can only be you
As I can only be me

Flowers cannot bloom until it is their season
As we would not be here unless it was our destiny
But how many times have you wished to be in spaces
Time places than what you were
Yet who's to say with unfamiliar faces You could anymore be
Loving you that you see
You can only be you
As I can only be

I can only be me

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